A Bit About Me

I’m a bookseller, so a bit eccentric, an admirer of the written word, chronically short of shelf space. I’ve interviewed some of my favourite writers – Paul Lynch, David Mitchell, Colum McCann. I would love to interview Anne Carson and Meredith McKinney.

My favourite words are Hullabaloo and Palaver.

On further reflection, these would have been perfect names for my children.

In the film of my life, my role would be played by Waldorf, one of the grumpy old men from the Muppets.

I’m an alumni of Sheffield University’s East Asian Studies programme, a former JET, a kendo 5th dan.

Books may not have all the answers, but they help formulate the questions.

I founded the Himedomachi Cycling Club in honour of the small town in Japan where I lived for two years. I am so far the only member, even though the entry requirements are exceedingly low. I would write them down but I’m afraid they would only make sense to me. Something to do with respecting your promises. You don’t have to own a bike. Something, something.

Himedomachi as I knew it ceased to exist in 2003 when the population got too low and it was merged with surrounding towns to become Kami Amakusa-shi. I suppose the Cycling Club is shot through with things past but not forgotten. My friend from Himedo told me that they feel lonely as they no longer hear the voices of the children. I can’t think of a better way to say it.

I’m setting off on this ride because I love rural Japan about as much as the writer Alan Booth did. He wrote about it lovingly and truthfully in The Roads to Sata, the travel diary of his trek from Japan’s northernmost point, Cape Soya, to its southernmost, Cape Sata. I’m curious to see his world through my eyes, see what’s changed and what’s remained the same.

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Himedo Machi
Cycling Club

“How will you find that thing the nature of which is unknown to you?”

A blog about my 3,000km bike ride across Japan.

First Post I About Me I Strava I Insta I
Essential Reading I Contact

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